Friday, June 27, 2014

The Weight of the Worlds (Poem 06-27-14)

I feel so light and free
now that the weight of worlds
have fallen from my shoulders,
shattering into a million pieces,
a burden I realize now that
I had no concern for,
a burden I knew
that was only draining me
of my precious energies.
I paused and searched
through the wreckage
for the brightest, the shiniest,
the most colorful, and
the most interesting pieces
to carry along with me upon
my journey, and then I rose
and walked away,
barely looking over my shoulder,
looking forward to my new future.
My destiny is only where
I find it and I make it,
out of the bits and the pieces
of what I discover in myself,
from what I can excavate from
mankind's knowledge,
and in how I invest myself
in the creation of my own world.