Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Spring Semester starts this week.

This week I begin my first semester at Empire State College, towards fufilling my Bachelors in Cultural Studies, then perhaps a Master's in Fine Arts in Literature down the line. As long as I can get student loans and don't have to begin to pay anything back until after graduation, perhaps I should get a Ph.d as well. You only have to go to school part time to keep putting off the student loan, so why not? This semester I am taking Introduction to Religious Studies, Literary Interpretation, Mythology and Modern Life, and Educational Planning. The last course is just meeting with my "mentor" or advisor to plan out how I want my degree to go, and I get four credits for essentially designing my own SUNY degree. Instead of taking courses I don't want to take but have to just to satisfy the requirements of the degree like other SUNY colleges, I get the opportunity to take only those courses that are relevant to me in my desire to be an author. I'm extremely excited at this, perhaps it was always my destiny to be somebody of worth rather than the cheap lackey laborer I was satisfied with being, up until recently. Dreams can come true, you just have to take the incremental steps towards them.

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