Sunday, June 24, 2012

Response to post made about my Socialism in Utopia post (6-24-12).

It may come down to having to live like a socialist country, the way things are going. We may have to accept this system in the future if we are to keep our resources and maintain the function of society. In an event of a global meltdown of the economic systems we would essentially become broke, and how should society react? People could riot, loot, and steal the little we have left. Or society could just accept that our economic system is flawed and until society is able to organize a new one, we would just have to go along to get along. Nothing really costs anything; groceries, gas, television sets, until we assign a value system to these things. Crops don't cost anything to grow, we just have to work at growing and harvesting them. The only real cost is labor, and all the middle men it takes to change hands before it reaches the supermarket. Everyone wants to make a buck off of everyone else, that is the system that has been created and enforced, which essentially only makes money for a small few, while it keeps the rest of us occupied by work, and preoccupied with bills. In the event of a global economic collapse we would just have to agree that things don't cost the same as they used to, but there would also be some kind of trade off. People would probably have to trade something rather than money for goods. Perhaps it would be living in service for the good of humanity, rather than selfish materialism.

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