Monday, September 27, 2010

Status Report for Bill Bronson - 9/27/10

Working on the book that will gain me fame and fortune and allow me to escape the torment of the working world. Home all day typing all my notes from paper into Word, arrange them by place, order them chronologically. I have finally gotten rid of all the written notes and should be done this week with my voice recorded notes. Then it is just a matter of putting it all together and plugging the holes, fleshing things out. Hopefully I will have something to start submitting to agents this winter and beat my self imposed deadline of next summer. The story is there in the notes, it's just a matter of putting everything in order, developing what needs developing, and cleaning it up. It's very exciting. I would have never had been able to get half of where I am at if it wasn't for unemployment, thanks be to God for Allied Electric. The great thing about it is that I don't have to get it perfect before I can submit it to people, although you should get it as perfect as possible to reflect where you want the story to go, to give agents a more than general idea of the story you want to tell. Then when they see some potential in it, they have you sit down with a professional editor to perfect it so we can all make some money. It is very exciting. If I was wearing sweatpants I would be embarrassed. Will post more to my blog. What is up in your perfectly normal and sane experience of the world, my brother?

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