Friday, February 25, 2011

My Science to the Means to my Structure of Current Writing Style- 02-25-11

I ingest preferred intoxicant after a day of intense concentration on my college work, long enough to where I get beyond antsy for the preferred intoxicant. I dog walk, not for too long, just to get the blood flowing, but not the hounds on the scent. I record what I think are relatively important ideas in the most succinct nugget of a compact idea, but in whose compactness does not reduce the idea to immobility, it still retains its potential. I come home and work at the task of organizing all of these ideas into their natural groupings determined by the intoxicated/sober, or sober, or sober/sober/sober pattern making ability of the brainstem. I cut and paste, type, cut and paste, type, type, type, type, type, type, cut and paste, etc. I am constantly aware of some form of time coming to an end. The awakenings arise to me, of ideas of some famous men, the terrifying accuracy of Nostradamus, constant reminders of St. John’s Book of Revelations who many would name if they had to come up with a book from the bible, and the recorders of my master, the Lord Jesus Christ, I must accept the blood of Jesus in this book, even if it is only to go to the same afterlife as the people that I know will go to, and other writers who remind us of the coming cataclysms, of some form of idea to attach to the words that combine to mean the “end of the world”. My current style.

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