Sunday, April 8, 2012

Denise responds to my post and my counter response (Discussion Post to Creative Non-Fiction 04-08-12)

On 4/6/2012 at 9:41 PM, Direnzo, Denise wrote:
Joe, thank you for sharing this portrait of your grandmother. It was rather heartbreaking to read. She was (or perhaps still is) clearly a very unhappy woman and managed to bring great unhappiness to your life as well. It made me feel very sad for you.
Some questions I had after reading it were:

Do you have any pleasant memories at all about your grandmother? Did she have any redeeming qualities whatsoever?

I am wondering if maybe, because of the ways in which you suffered at the hands of your grandmother, this subject matter is too highly charged for you. I am also curious to know what your intention was in writing this portrait? 

My response -

Redeeming qualities - she tried as best that she could from the level that she was on. I remember her taking me to Niagara Falls a few times, at least once to her hometown in Del Rio, Texas. She would play catch with me. She treated me like a king, but it only created a tyrant, selfish, and always expecting to be gratified. She was no Einstein, and I believe being raised by her alone, resulted in much frustration as a kid. Growing up, a child needs someone to talk to, to feel comfortable with in expressing who they are. In the home is where we become ourselves, learning and being taught what is and what is not appropriate to say and do in public. Without that reciprocation in the home and by throwing food and objects to win someone's affection only makes a person an emotional cripple.

As far as my intention in writing the piece was only in being motivated to complete the assignment yet I had become possessed with the spirit of the thing when I started, and kept going with it.

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