Sunday, July 8, 2012

Response to Much Ado About Nothing Post (Shakespeare 07-08-12)

Perhaps Shakespeare wanted to portray the two types of people that he saw; the more confidant and outgoing type, who are more skilled at conversation, the extroverted, and the less socially sophisticated, or introverted type. Benedick and Beatrice are more sophisticated in their dealings with the world, having come from devoting themselves to their skillful flirtation, and perhaps each one has practiced this art with multiple people. Benedick and Beatrice are thus more able to communicate themselves to one another, and this is a very important component to a successful relationship. Others noticed this ongoing continued verbal sparring, and noticed its ongoing nature determines that it does not emerge from a mutual dislike as the two would probably avoid one another if they truly were not in love with one another. No, their continued mutual antagonism is a form of playful tactic of flirtation. To first be able to be successful and happy in one’s relationships, one must first be able to develop one’s capability of self-expression.

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